Sunday 25 May 2014


May 25th, 

So I do realize that I haven't been posting for quite a while. From my point of view, posting isn't really a hassle at all, in fact I would actually consider that it's a good thing for me to not post daily... I mean I do hope that I don't post daily about my rants etc. (which kind of means that I'm constantly in a bad mood). Anyways I am back for the day (!) My birthday is just right around the corner & I will be farewelling my -teen days. Lately my 17th birthday wish - from a few years back - keeps coming up, I don't know what it exactly means but I remember it oh so clearly ! I remember my biggest wish was to move out once I turn 18. Yeah, it didn't come true yet as I'm still here, in my parent's house, and at this point, hating it. So, that will remain to be my birthday wish & as a goal for myself this year, work hard & buy myself le dream car ! It's an austin mini cooper by the way (if you guys know what it looks like - man is it a beaut). Again, this is one of my mini rant & annoyed moment posts, and it's a reminder of this very moment as I write this. 

Lots of love <3, 

Tuesday 25 March 2014


March 25th,

Well, here I am again, in the AMs as usual... I mean it's really getting better. I gotta admit my norms have been thrown off track lately and I'm just urging to sleep at 9pm, yes, a time throwing way back to...kindergarten. It's good in general, but eh! This can't keep up, I'm already pre planning to pull off semi-all-nighters hmm... next week. Yup - not a procrastinators (shh.. now that's a lie). Honestly I gotta say the recent months have bee so chill, I absolutely love it. I mean what do I do everyday after an hour of class? Nothing really. Just find ways to kill time ! It's quite enjoyable I gotta say. Ah! I know what's up, it's just that time of the year that students like myself, are job hunting right? I sometimes feel like the summer job market is at par with...a rain forest. I mean, it's so competitive that only the best can survive. It sounds odd, but it's inarguably true. Hopefully something will come to me soon & I shall be looking forward to an awesome school year! Ta-ta for now! 

Lots of love ❤️,

Thursday 6 March 2014


March 6th, 

Long time no see lovelies ! Hmm. How shall we start this ? I'm guessing the usual fillers will do? Well, here I go. Aside from school, I'm recently obsessing over the CW series - Arrow. I remember watching a couple of episode when it first aired but honestly, catching weekly series wasn't really my thing. I mean, that wait is absolutely aggravating. Not to mention the months gap before the next season airs, that is just painful. What got me into it was my first "star struck" moment recently. There was just a day I was roaming around campus after class and I saw the Arrow film trucks. I guess I can really call it star struck (hence the quote quotes) but hey! I've never really been into chasing stars to get autographs or what not, but I guess it was curiosity that made me so hooked into the series. I've heard numerous great reviews on the show and I was desperate for a time killer these days - Arrow, was my relief. At this point I guess it'll only work temporary as I'm almost done both seasons already - considering that I only started for a little less than 3 days, I clearly need an alternative... Advice on series would be nice. Anyways I've got a couple of episodes to go till I catch up to the upcoming episode but as a newbie to tv series watching, Arrow has set the bar pretty high for others to beat. On the side note, star struck & amazement, two factors that's absolutely stunning. After watching I realize how fortunate I am to live in a world ranked city that is so often see in major productions - wolverine, robocop, Emily Owens, Arrow, to name a few. I'm proud to say, I love my city. 

Lots of love ❤️,

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Anger Management.

February 26th, 

It's only Wednesday and I feel that it has been such a long week. I've recencently been spending many many days indoor due to the fear if failure (yes, it's midterm season once again) and because it was horrendously snowing lately. Luckily, it is a relief for me to say that the midterm results was not failure (phew) and I did end up building a snowman !! Ahh, how the snow just releases the inner child in me. Other than fillers of my time away, kind of off topic but at this very moment, I'm feeling so relived. Do anyone get that awesome 'IM RECHARGED' feeling after bursting out in tears? Honestly I haven't cried in many many years. I personally don't choose crying as a way to overcome anger or hatred but boy does it feel good to cry !!! I guess the relief comes from the build up of anger, and at somepoint that bubble just gotta pop. Anyways, felling much better now, still angered by a very despicable person, but I'm relaxed, quite tired actually. Guess it's time to catching up for the recent lack of sleep - goodnight bloggers :) 

Lots of love ❤️,

Monday 24 February 2014


February 24th,

Ahh.. Another post in the early a.m. Oh how I miss those days (nope. not really). As you guys can probably tell, yes, I procrastinated and here I am - finished paper & semi finished studying. Despite the amazing snow weekend here in Van, I unwillingly stayed indoors all. weekend. long. - sad life, I know. Everyone has a kid in them and I truly wanted to release "it" this weekend. Snow is basically rare around here & I mustt get to it before it's gone !!! YES, I WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN. Obsessed about the cuteness of Frozen (the movie) & the magical-ness of it. It better stay till tomorrow ... I just wanna built a snowman ❄️ Nights for now. 

Lots of love ❤️,

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Food, food, & more food.

February 19th,

Hello fellow bloggers ! Seems like I've been away for quite a while - yes it's true, I've been oh so lazy lately, shame on myself ! Anyways, fillers for my time away comes up to : school, midterms, flu round 2, reading break, and food poisoning. Wonderful eh? I seem to come to conclude that I am quite the weakling around here... First the flu during midterm season - yeah, let's hope I passed everything. Then food poisoning ? What is this ?! I gotta admit the good poisoning part was more or less totally my fault... You see, I'm a crazy fan for egg tarts and decided to saved one for the next day, it turns out that I forgot to refrigerate it (big WOOPS) and voila! Food poisoning at its finest. Yeah, note to self - do refrigerate everything from now on. Lesson learned ! It seems that I can't stay away from food talk as I'm in the midst of baking my oh so infamous banana bread (mmm) seriously the best. While we're still taking about food, here's a tip to you guys - just remember, when you're out of conversation starters, food talk is always there to help ! No matter where you are, or what occasion you're at, conversations about food will always save you from the awkward "uhh, so yeah.... *stares into space*" moments. Give it try next time when you're in this situation and let me know how it goes ! 

Lots of love ❤️,

Sunday 26 January 2014

Lazy Days & LMH.

January 26th,

Today is one of those days that I really just want to stay in bed, of course, that is not happening as I've got lots to do. Not being able to be lazy in bed all day doesn't mean that I can't stay cozy in my onesie, right? I absolutely love my onesie at the moment especially when it's quite cold out these days - wearing it around the house makes me reminisce the holidays. Remember last post I was talking about my boredom and beginning to watch the Korean drama Heirs? Well, this is me at about episode 10, I'm literally about to fangirl. Like I said, I've never really been a fan of Korean dramas, thus, I have no clue who is who when my friends are fangirling over Lee Min Ho. Clearly, I have been missing out ! Unfortunately, I couldn't find a good site that had the full series in English sub, so I had to budge with the Chinese sub one... I can't read too much in Chinese so I guess it's not as good, but I do get the general gist. Since I'm basically in the stage of obsessing over Heirs & Lee Min Ho, falling back with school work is the downside. Admittedly, I would say this is definitely the wrong time to start drama marathoning, it's really the time to focus & start writing papers... well, I've got time right? Hopefully. Well, I'm off to um, drama again, goodnight ! 

Lots of love ❤️,